Ms. Chang, a frequent user: “Using the MAVROS® Hair Anti-greying Serum is a very important part of my daily routine, as important as eating and sleeping.” Ms. Chang has been using the MAVROS Hair Anti-greying Serum for a long time―a year and seven months. At first, she would anxiously stare at her hair every day to see if there was any difference, but later she adjusted her mindset. She simply ignored her hair, and treated the serum as part of her routine, like it was eating or sleeping. As a result, she saw significant changes after 5 months of use. She not only had improved hair quality but also less grey hair, so she has kept using it until now with peace of mind.

Ms. Chang further said, "I saw a lot of people on Facebook asking, ‘Do you have to keep using it once you already have the results that you want?’ That's an easy question. If you use skin care products on your face every day, then you should take care of your scalp every day as well. If you have had a great experience, then of course you should continue with the product!”

She says that the focus of this series of products is to slow down the aging of the scalp, so that people who would have had a full head of grey or semi-grey hair at the age of 60 now have a chance to slow down the greying to having one-third of their hair turn grey at the age of 70, two-thirds at the age of 80, and so on. It is just as important to use it continuously with a healthy mindset as it is to have a healthy diet and sleep.
