Can I get rid of early-onset grey hair?

When Keanu Reeves' new girlfriend, Alexandra Grant, appeared in front of the cameras, she looked much older than Keanu Reeves because of her grey hair; however, she is actually 9 years younger than him. It's just that her hair turned grey in her 20s, which is a condition known as early-onset grey hair.

For white people, grey hair usually appears at about the age of 35, and Asian people at about 40. If grey hair appears at about 15 years before the age when grey hair is supposed to appear for someone, then it can be deemed as early-onset grey hair. The appearance of grey hair does not necessarily correlate with age; however, what is certain is that grey hair comes from the aging of hair follicles. When hair follicles age, the number of melanocytes and melanin stem cells decrease, resulting in the follicles' inability to replenish melanin on a regular basis and grow hair with one's natural-born hair color—which is how grey hair gradually appears.

While there's nothing you can do about your genes, you can see if there are things in your daily life that can make you and your hair follicles age faster, such as stress, an unbalanced diet, a smoking habit, etc. You can try hair care products that contain lactoferrin-derived peptides, which have the ability to restore your original hair color and fight greying. Begin by building your cell resilience, increasing your follicles' potential for melanin synthesis, and giving yourself an opportunity to reverse early- onset grey hair.